
Blog posts tagged with 'side sleeper'

Can one mattress work for everyone?


Large warehouse stores are amazing. You need ketchup? Well, there is one bottle of ketchup. You want some cereal? There are several options but only one size…. LARGE. They take the choice out of it. This makes the shopping experience easy. I know I don’t like sitting there debating what size box of flaked corn I need or seeing 12 different types of the same condiment. Choice is sometimes overwhelming.

But choice can also be necessary, especially when we are talking about people’s individual needs, shapes, and specifications. Can there just be one mattress that magically fits all my needs as well as my neighbor’s, best friend’s, and 90-year-old grandfather’s needs? The answer is… if you all have the same body type, sleeping style and habits then YES, but it is rather unlikely.

People are complicated. We all have our own habits. Some people sleep exclusively on their side, others back, and others do a great approximation of a pretzel where their front shoulders are facing towards the bed while their hips are pointing in the opposite direction and their arms are clutching onto their pillow for dear life. All of these sleepers may need different levels of support and pressure relief depending on their individual shape and size as well.

A back is definitely flatter than a pretzel. A pretzel sleeper has curves in their shoulders and hips. Would these two types need the same pressure relief? Could they both be best served by the same mattress? The answer is no. These both could be adequately served by the same mattress, but to get the best out of your nightly sleep both sleepers really need individualized comfort.

Bed in a box companies try for mass appeal, but number one to them is ship ability. The heavier a mattress is the more is costs to ship. Most people are side sleepers, side sleepers need more pressure relief, more pressure relief needs more materials, more materials means more weight which means less profit. Is this the best for your comfort?

Mattresses are not one size fits all.


All Mattress Direct factory direct show rooms have mattress specialists trained to fit you for the best mattress for your sleep needs.